Looks - Cinem'Art At Louvre Abu Dhabi
Susann Hoffmann | 2014 | Germany
3’14 mins | G | No Dialogue
Looks tells the story of a grey lynx that doesn’t fit into a world of colourful animals. He’s being excluded and bullied by the coloured animals. On his search for acceptance and belonging he finds himself resorting to drastic measures.
Looks, Directed by Susann Hoffmann, 2014 © Susann Hoffmann
Short films
19 June, 26 June and 3 July | 2pm and 3pm | Duration: 35 min | Auditorium | Free - reservation recommended
The five short films, explore emotions in charming stories from all over the world.
Family Film Screenings
Cinem’Art: Emotions in Cinema
Inspired by our new Children’s Museum exhibition Emotions! The new art adventure, children and families are invited to watch a series of enchanting films at Louvre Abu Dhabi’s auditorium. On three successive Saturdays (19 June, 26 June and 3 July), we will screen five short films on a loop followed by a different feature film. Complementing our exhibition, each film shows how, young or old, a deeper connection to our feelings can help us navigate the world.
Curated by Rinku Awtani.